Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Day 3 and baby K is still sick....

It's day 3 of the flu for baby K and now Little S has awoken with the creeping crap! Great...Too big BABIES, sick... unfortunately for Little S. She is learning the hard way that once you become the mommy... you don't get to get sick and have loved ones wait on you. So little S went to her classes this morning and I put baby K to bed...She's sooo exhausted, she 's sleeping with her eyes semi opened. Which is a bit... creepy. I went in to check on her, and saw the one eye opened and panicked then rested my hand on her back to make sure she was still breathing.. morbid, I know but...She's so very sick.

Since baby K was sleeping I thought I would give it another whirl, and try to figure out this stupid F-ing MP3 player I have. OK, at this point, I'm thoroughly convinced at this point I am too fucking old to have one. Can't figure it out.. No, I can get the 2 songs loaded on there to play,( I just don't know how I loaded them in the first place, dumb luck I suppose) and I can hook it up with the computer, so I guess I'm not a complete idiot, however, the whole downloading of music is beyond my comprehension apparently. I must be part of the UNCOOL sector.. oh well. OH hell, Can I have another Malibu and pineapple juice please? May be that will help! But I did find this great Streaming radio station(don't ask me how, cuz I don't have a clue) and they're playing all kinds of 70's music! Groovy Marcia!"

I heard from Kimmy yesterday! She is sooo loving the decisions she has made of late. She said that the truck was so full, going on some of the terrain, it appeared as though the poor truck was going to take a topple. But, they made it safe and sound. She met her bosses on Tuesday, and well, she's found that he is alot like her old boss... same birthday even! He's from Maui too, which is where she is from. so there is alot in common. She has this incredible home that sits on the side of a hill....
Life is good. She'll officially start her new job on Thursday and the kids will start school on Monday. I'm not sure if hubby will be starting his job soon, or just play house husband and work on the "home business" they have. At any rate, She's good and we miss her bunches.

work isn't the same without her... I can't go to her office and say something like..."If I'm human resources, how come, I'm always the last fricking person to know what is going on?" or " he said, I'm not telling you to sugar coat things, for her ...... my thought is "yes you f-king are, you moron, you like her in her skin tight pants... " and then we would talk smack on these two idiots and well, I'd feel better and my language would f-king be more appropriate. Well, I could actually go into her office but I don't hink her replacement would appreciate my thoughts. And I suppose it's better to just blog as much as I can. I'm sure theres alot of you out there that work with idiots!??
Can I get an AMEN?

Oh I didnt tell you ... the other day a co-worker sent out an e-mail... titled, CAN I GET ARRESTED, I wasn't sure what to expect, though I was pretty sure, it was going to be something on the suggestive side...OH BABY!!! BEEFCAKE CALENDER of cops..OMG!!! Given my position at work , 1) I should have known better than to have opened it at work, 2)I should have just forwarded it to my home email 3) once I did open it I should have made sure I wasn't drooling incase someone walked in... Oh well, as luck would have it, in walks one of my mechanics just to pop in and say good morning! GADS, I was so embarressed and then I couldn't even look at him the rest of the day without turning beet red. Even now when he brings it up, and he does, just to get my reaction...I'm blushing like fricking crazy. But it did make my day! And I think February is now my favorite month!!!! ;-)

I know my blog for the day is a bit boring... but I feel incredibly better, Thanks!


The Mistress of the Dark said...

what kind of mp3 player do you have? Maybe I can help.

bananas62 said...

It was free, it was a promotional thing... but don't they kind of work all the same???

Barbara said...

Hi Ann,
You said your post was boring ? I don't think I haven't read much boring with you !
There's always something going on on your side of the world.
Sorry to hear that Little S is now ill. I hope it passes soon, this bug.

I didn't know that Kimmy was from Maui ! I grew up on Oahu .
Aloha, Kimmy, if you are reading this :).
Glad to know that things are going better.

See ya soon, Ann

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Most basic mp3 players that are less than 1 GB you just plug into your USB port and drage and drop...or copy and paste if you will into the drive.

Jennfactor 10 said...

AMEN! Oh, wait, I work with you, too...Once your house is healthy I'll resume my morning java with you and you can talk all you like.
They ARE pretty much sprayed on, aren't they? How does she manage that?