Saturday, October 28, 2006

CHAOS IN THE RESTAURANT --- or damn people control your kids!

We walked into Chili's this afternoon in anticipation of a
yummy, we don't do this too often, kind of lunch! Immediately, however, as soon as we entered the restaurant, this little cherub of a child starts acting up. OH GREAT! Can someone control this monster child? Rather than walk out and find a different place to dine. We notice that mom seems to have this little imp of a child under control. Great! We are shown to our table and I notice that "monster" baby is at it again, so mom, calmly takes "monster" out of her highchair and takes her to the restroom. One can only assume since mom has a diaper and wipes in hand, this is the reason why the "Little Angel" had been a tad cranky. Soon mom and this cute little curly haired angel reappear and attempt to be inconspicuous. NOT!! I look at hubby and we silently agree, we were very lucky, that when our children where small, we could take them places and they would behave, plus a schedualed nap was always the secret to success when it was time to take them places. And a little spank on the tushie never hurt either! We sit and try to enjoy our lunch, while we watch Monster baby and her cousin being passed off to the other adults at the table trying to calm them down... oh yeah like this was working well. We also notice other patrons in the restaurant, shaking their heads, giving these young moms "that look", like control your brats..Finally we leave. And as we pull out of the parking lot, I check my rearview mirror to see my impish, angel like, precocious, 15 month old granddaughter and her 6 month old cousin fast asleep in thier car seats. I turned and looked at my daughters and said, NEXT MCDONALDS! They quickly agreed!


Anonymous said...

I "control my brats" ... with mustard and grilled onions! (bratwurst, that is). Sorry, that comes from living too close to Wisconsin.

bananas62 said...

hee, hee, hee! ;-) I was so embarrassed! I'm sure everyone clapped after we left!

Pendullum said...

My Gal Pal's husband had to relocate to Europe and my girlfriend followed a few months later with their toddler...
Right when they got on the plane, right when they got on the plane did the toddler start up...

And can you believe that the people behind her kickced her chair to remind her to keep it down...

And this isone of the reasons she isone of my heroes...
She turned to these idiots and said'I'm sorry for the 6 hour inconvenience of my son... Truly I am...
But I am stuck with him for a lifetime... So kindly STOP kicking my chair!'

bananas62 said...

6 hour flight with a toddler. That in itself is a task! I've heard from friend with like experiences... just a little dimatap goes a long way!
Kudos to your friend for keeping those behind her in check! :-)