Monday, April 02, 2007

I F-ing did it?! for reals?

Well dear blogging friends! It's been hell these last few weeks. and I lost it completely today! I had such a fabulous day at work. Fairly productive for a Monday, even, I got most of what I needed to get done, done. then it happened, I left work to come home.

Why the hell did I come home? I come home to the same thing every day. Little S sitting on her little A.. baby K wanting to be held, and little G trying to make some sense of all this. hubby is in the kitchen doing the dishes slamming crap around because he is pissed off that his off-spring are not lifting a finger to help out around the house. given, I understand that, but All he does is mutter unnecessary comments under his breath.. and well, dear friends, I have had about all I can take. Little S needs Gas money... I asked her why she didn't get some from S 4 B since she had to go to Sacramento to pick up Baby K this weekend... well, then she and I got into it... "forget it then I don't want anything from you, I'm obviously a burden to you " ... blah blah blah... well, for the 3 time since she's been with Shit for Brains...I said Fine Get the Hell out! She got up and went into her room to start packing her clothes.. oh FUCK what did I just do... but then I tried to talk to her and she started in with you and dad think I am a bad mom, and this and that...... so after figuring out I had just given her the out she has wanted,.. I threw my hands up in the air.."I give the fuck up!, I am tired of walking around on egg shells and trying to be the fricking peace keeper around here- I'm out of here" grabbed my books for school and left.... did I grab any clothes?NO did I grab my make up? NO. What a dip shit!..Anyway, I have no idea where I'm going after school tonite. but I am surely not going home. Thank God mom is a few minutes away!

I needed to vent. It seems to fall on deaf ears around my house and everyone is always ready to blame the other person... This mom just wants off this crazy frickin ride... I bid you a good nite and a better Tuesday! Boy is my mom going to be surprised when I show up tonite... someone want to call her!?


The Mistress of the Dark said...

I've had quite a day too. I feel your pain. What to go for a cyber beer?

bananas62 said...

I need a shot of JD and nice hot shower and then bed....or well, it looks like...Couch, since I seem to be sleeping there alot lately.

Jennfactor 10 said...

Hang in there, baby.

Take care of YOU.

SpanishGoth said...

There's always JD round at my place (and you're more than welcome you know) - and I don't do sofas - fuck that for a game of soldiers. I pay the rent/mortgage so I get to choose.

Hang in there - it gets to the best of us as you've seen with my couple of rants. Now I'm just back to 'normal' stuck like my favourite Roman - Maximus Clitoris....

*gothic hugs*

SpanishGoth said...

STUFF - not stuck (too much JD %-)

Barbara said...

Hey Ann,
I think it was nice just to step out of there ! Your Mom must have been surprised; but, I'am sure happy to see her daughter.

You have my support 100% .
Take care, my friend.

bananas62 said...

Jenn...I hear ya "sista-gurl" We as women are taught to be the caregiver, peacemaker, the oh everything is going to be alright person. And we loose who WE are I like who I am,(tho, I might have a bit of an short fuse at times) I'm afraid it's those around me who don't like who they are... and I can't help them find their way any longer. It has to come from within.

Gothman!!! You know I have a bottle hidden just for these occasions. unfortunately it's still in tact. I'm hugging you right back.(( huggsss))) thanks! I needed that, more than you'll ever know! As for the couch, there's no argument over it. Can't wait to read your new entry!

Barbara! I opted to not hit mom's just yet( she'll start freaking out and she doesn't need that)... everyone was asleep here when school got, I hit little G's bed and slept like a log!!

Thanks for your thoughts I'm glad I have you guys!!!

Pendullum said...

Hope today was a better day...

ditzymoi said...

I say pack a bag and keep it in the car !! And add the bottle !
Ohh and did I mention its just a 12 hour drive to my house?

bananas62 said...

Pen! Yes, the last couple of days have been better... too busy to do think about anything else. I am struggling with issues but they are the same ones I have vocalized but it falls on deaf ears..go figure.. but I am better!

Kimmy!!!! God yes.! I am ready... to pack that bag.. I've got 3 weeks vacation and another week of sick... think mr b will miss me??? I'll bring him too! :-) you know the issues and have known for a long time what's up... amazing how somethings never change!!!

I"ll post soon... I've got Mass tonite!!!