Sunday, April 22, 2007

Barbara, I owe you!!!!

My friend Barbara tagged me to do this game. Only it was weeks ago and with another tag... it invovled food.... but I never got around to the challenge... The was challenged and since she didn't tag me or anyone else... I tagged myself... though ANTHONY your in the clear... I wont tag you...;-)but I bet you have quite the reading material, at your place!!!

4 books that I read as a child :

I hated reading as a kid, but I do remember...
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Stone Soup
Amelia Bedelia
... sorry can't come up with a 4th

4 authors that I will read and re-read :

1. Janet Evanovich
2. Stephen King
3. Janet Chapman
4. Connie Mason

4 authors whose books I would not buy or borrow any more .

Sorry, I'm drawing a blank here.

4 books that I would take on a deserted island :
1. Janet Evanovich's HARD EIGHT...this is in the Stephanie Plum series, I believe this is the book where Stephanie and Ranger "get busy" for the first time... I love a man who wears all black and is overly confident.
2. Janet Chapman's CHARMING THE HIGHLANDER...OH MY GAWD this book is what got me hooked on the Higlander books! Stupid, I bought the book for the cover...log cabin in the woods and it was snowing..but OMG, they were getting busy in the first 2 chapters and continued all the way through....
3. Stephen Kings, THINNER... I couldn't put it down and when I was done, I re-read it.
4. Jane Blackwood's THE SEXIEST DEAD MAN ALIVE. while they didn't "get busy" in the first two chapters... they "got busy" just enough!!!

The first 4 books on my “ to read list “ :
ANYTHING REALLY!!! however, I have quite a stack I need to get through now.

The 4 last words of one of my favorite books :
"sport I could enjoy"

and since you have seen what I've been can pretty much guess what that sport is!!!!


Anthony said...

I remember reading "Charlotte's Web" as a child and loving it. That, and the Winnie the Pooh books. I was a weird kid. Shocked?

As for today, I admit to being a lazy reader. I buy books (biographies and non-fiction) with every intention, but they inevetably wind up on eBay.

Although, I did manage to read Franken's "Lies and Lying Liars...", "Brothel" and "Letters from a Nut".

Barbara said...

Hi Ann,
Thank you for playing ! :)

Everyone has their favorites and I enjoy seeing what other friends enjoy.
It sounds like you enjoy books with a lot of action going on ;).
Why not?!
But of course, whatever type of subject that turns on the brain is
good .
See you soon,

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I love Janet Evanovich...I've read every one of the Stephanie Plum novels :)

SpanishGoth said...

Wow - check out comment 2

Barbara Ann - you're in my hand, we'll be rocking and a rolling Barbara Ann (yikes - beach boy moment)

I wish this was a TAG as I would love to zap some philistines with this baby

Pendullum said...

Blogger keepson eating my comments!!!
I know I wrote here before...and I am still curious what the sport is!
; )