Saturday, September 09, 2006


When did people become for stinkin' rude? I was in the grocery store today, doing the typical Saturday shopping for my mom. (who is more or less homeward bound) Nothing out of the ordinary, Except I was by myself,(it's very rare that I find myself ... alone...and I really do relish this time.) a little time to meander up and down the aisle and not hear, Can we get this? Can we try that?... or so I thought...
I swear everyone that was over 100 years old was doing their shopping today. Not really a bad thing,! Great that they are mobile and active and are about to do their own shopping. But Good Lord, could these people take their half of the aisle on the right or left and not down the center??? I did a lot of deeeeeeep breaths today.
They stand in the middle with their baskets...and stare at what type of cereal they should buy...How about the oatbran that you buy every week! GOOD GOD! and then they look at you and go back to their cereal selection. Do they move? Do they say sorry? Do they even acknowledge that you need to get down that aisle, NOOOO, but, they know you are standing, looking at them with every contemptuous bone in your being... and they remain in a mental gridlock of, should I buy Oat bran or Bran flakes! OHHHHH And get this... if they weren't standing in the middle of the aisle.. they were on that ever so important cell phone call.... Do these morons not know that cell phones work like crap in the grocery store....??????? I'm breathing deeply, I breathly deeply... I swear, I was like hitting Walmart on Welfare check day! NOW THAT IS BAD!!!!!! Next week has to be better or I'm going POSTAL!

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