Friday, August 03, 2007

All Is Well In Ann's World!!! (I think!)

My home computer took a dump again.. Every time I pull the Laptop out of the case I have Little G looking over my shoulder asking to go on to her MYSPACE. Sorry not gonna happen on my computer...
"go to one of your friend's houses and use their computer..."
Her reply... "most of them don't have a computer, which is why they come over and use ours..."
My Reply... "That sucks, man"
(have I mentioned ever, I don't like Whiners?)
Me: " sorry Kiddo, I told you, not to do the whole MYSPACE thing which is probably the reason we have a virus,... yet again, and your not using the laptop"
G: " That sucks, when I get my laptop, I'm not letting you use it!"
Me: "Groovy, Marcia- but I will survive"
then I get the "look"
I think I'm over my depression, well, at least I'm functioning again, I don't cry when I walk down the coffee Isle at the grocery store.. How sad it that, anyway?
I think I have pulled my sh*t together and wont completely lose my mind and I am in control of my emotions. I think that was the hardest thing for me to admit to was I was not in control of my emotions. *what was that about anyway?* and I have told people in my life that I was not happy with their treatment of me. *smiling thinking about how good that felt*
Currently however, I am having an issue with my little Kia Car... it's broke, dead if you will.... the fan blades broke off and went through my radiator, well isn't that just flipping great! So, it's at the dealership, I dislike dealing with dealership maintenance managers... they seriously blow...*frowning at the thought of him...* The fan issue is a factory recall, but then "uber manager" came up with 2 of my 4 cylinder valves were bad... Great... now because of the warranty they want to see service records... Hello...???? Ann, "idiot extraordinaire" that I am, tossed them... and now I have to prove to them that I maintain my vehicle properly. OH BROTHER!!!!! The fan issue is actually covered at this point however, not the cylinder issue... Time for a new car??? GADS!
On top of everything else, now this...I'm smiling, I'm laughing, I'm not going to let this get to me... If I can still drive it for a couple more years, it will all be good! Andrea, I know you know about car issues... this really blows! My car is only 5 years old and I seriously don't abuse it...But just another little obstacle one must hurdle.
And how are you guys doing?


Anthony said...

As for the maintenance issue...
I was told by a mechanic that anyone worth their salt could tell immediately whether or not an owner had done proper maintenance on an engine by a simple examination of the cylinders and other "fluid related" issues.
As for records, if you have your work done at a Jiffy Lube or other sort of chain place, they should have your stuff on their computer and it should be a simple matter of getting a print out from them. They do that to protect themselves as well as you when it comes to maintenance.

Don't let the dealer bully you.

bananas62 said...

Hey Anthony! I think all will be well with my "issue"! I spoke with Kia this afternoon and it looks like they couldn't prove it was my error.!!!! I'm fairly meticulous when it comes to my vehicle you can pretty much be sure I'm saving every little scrap of paper that pertains to that car, from now on.. and as far as them bullying me,I refuse to play the "dumb female" I try to speak with them with some intelligence about cars and what I don't understand I ask my mechanics at work... My Maitenance Manager said I should be ok Kia wants me to slip up and admit I'm a bad car owner....Not this girl!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Car issues suck. I'm still having Fishy issues. I think my life is one fishy issue :(

bananas62 said...

Mistress! Fishy trouble, car trouble...equally as frustrating!!! I wish you much luck!!!!

Barbara said...

Hey Ann,
Life is a pain where you think at times. Sorry to hear about all these things.That's great that the dealership won't be able to prouve anything ! Remain firm...
Things can break, even with the best of care !

We don't even have a car any more ( we got rid of it 4 years ago). We have so many trains buses & such, we don't really need one.
Maybe one day...

Take care & stay strong