Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday Morning Chaos or welcome to the sandwich generation!

Well, now, the Sunday morning Crabbies have got me! it's 12:30pm, as I sit down at my computer.. venting. It's either this or I will go postal on the family. My Honey is in bed watching the Soccer game... you have to it only comes around once every 4 years! you know after almost 20 years of marriage and 20 years of sundays, I should be used to some sort of sport on, on a Sunday morning. The second oldest or the oldest one living at home (18 with a 6 week old) is annoyed because there is no milk in the fridgadair...'xcuse me, but don't you have a car and ATM card?..the The youngest child (12)has just woken up.. and asked, can you warm me up a waffle. Do you not know how to warm up a waffle yourself? Yes, but when you do it, it taste so much better. Can I get an!? I work Monday through Friday and on Saturdays I do misc. stuff for my mom who is basically homebound, due to health issues.
Mind you I don't mind doing most of this stuff, because This is my role as wife, mother, and daughter. HOWEVER, I get a little (ALOT) ticked off when I do these things for others and they can't even seem to pick up after themselves, throw a load of laundry in the washer or unload the dishwasher. AM I THE ONLY ONE LIVING IN THIS HOUSE???? And no one seems to mind that there is baby stuff strung from one end of my humble abode to the other. I'm a woman on the edge. I told my youngest, I f you could just pick up after yourself that would be a tremendous help and we could actually do stuff, like go to the movie or Barnes know have some fun! This lecture stays in her mind about ...a day maybe two... I have a wonderful family and I love them dearly...but they are SLOBS! My hubby's always telling me to relax or do it later...unfortunately, I'm one who can't do the fun until the work is done... but today since I've already done 2 loads of laundry....what's this I see, the 18 is putting things aways....I'm falling over in a dead faint! Is this light at the end of the tunneL??? who cares I will take what I can get.....
Happy sunday!

1 comment:

Jennfactor 10 said...

You are the only one who SEES the stuff lying around. It's got to be their vision. We have the same wierd vitamin deficiency at my house.